Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I love Thanksgiving.
Love. Love. Love.

It's my favorite adopted holiday and I love all that it represents - food, family and fun!
I am so grateful that this year I get to spend it with my little sister.
We have decided to be brave and bought ourselves a 12 pound turkey. Nothing daunts me more in the culinary arena that baking an entire turkey.
The boy, while a great help in the kitchen, is doing the 'can we do it?' 'should I get stuff from Boston Market' in case.
Is there anything more annoying than a doubting Thomas in the kitchen?
Here's our menu for the day:
Turkey with curry gravy
and then other non-casseroley side dishes (I fracking loathe casseroles

1 comment:

Spicy Chai said...

Thank you for your wishes on my blog, Me! I'm hoping that the silence on yours is indicative of reasons for good wishes for you and the Boy too!

Lots of love,
Spicy Chai