Sunday, October 17, 2010

This weekend has been all about just unwinding.

On Saturday
After doing our grocery, the boy shuffled off to his pool tournaments & I spent all day watching Buffy & Veronica Mars & Daria.
Which makes me wonder why we don't have sassy female shows anymore?
Whatever happened to all the delicious pithy Juno-ish dialogues that peppered these shows?
& the wild boys that these sassy women fall for & the words that follow after, i so miss it!

On Sunday,
the boy & I had our Sunday brunch. These brunches go so much smoother in my mind than in real life.
First, there's the actual making of them, then there's the never ending debate over music (the boy being a non-morning person & me being a HALLELUJAH IT'S.MORNING. DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT??? person - caps & all), but in the midst of all that fussing & tantrums, tenderness & laughs erupt.
& We walk away with smiles.
Grouse though I do about marriage, it's moments like these that gladden my heart :)
I'd like to vacuum seal them to air them later for a smile.

1 comment:

HG said...

I feel happy for you :-)