Thursday, July 02, 2009

It is done.
The first step - we've decriminalized it.

And I am thankful that I live in these times, when great things are being achieved by first steps.
While I hate that it's taken India so long, I love that slowly but surely we are getting rid of that which holds us down.
I hope this is the first of many more liberating steps.
I hope Manmohan Singh holds fast to his post election promise of reviewing judicial laws.
I hope changing laws changes attitudes and that things like being divorced, being gay, being different will no longer be a cause of dissent for supposedly enlightened people.

On a personal note, reading the HC statement makes me want to go back to research. There were so many fine points in that statement that made my synapses tingle that I called my ex-thesis advisor to chat. I miss being involved.


amna said...

me too!!

Me said...

involved in research?

Anonymous said...

I can so identify with your last sentence.
