Shopping Extravaganza
Aaaah - shopping - such balm for my bored soul.
We maybe headin' for a weddin' in 3 months or so & here's what I plan to wear to it.Oh White House Black Mkt, how many ways do I love v.many ways, so v.many
with this lovely silk thing
& the little ruffled shoes that I can't stop salivating over:
with this little pretty beaded clutch
I wish there more events that I could use to go collect complete outfits for.
Other things I've done over the weekend:
Gone shopping at Body Shop - ah, body shop - it was because of you that my mom let me buy my v.first mascara!
Ate out like a v.hungry carnivorous mutant cow.
Read while the boy watched Wimbledon - I'll wait out for the semi & the finals before I get roped in
Watched a whole hour of Russell Peters - I find him intermittently funny, yes but sometimes it's just a little too condescending & makes me wince,
on top of the usual weekend chores of Farmer's Mkt, cooking & working out.
OH *drooooolll*
Oh wow!
absolutely love the colour combos going on there. LOVE IT! lookin forward to the pics on fb :)
Love it all.
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