Monday, July 27, 2009

I can't get this out of my head

Oh, flight of the conchords - I love thee


Sig said...

LOVE them!! MY funny NZ neigbours - love Martin (the manager).

Mint Chutney said...

I love the episode where Aziz Ansari won't sell them fruit because he thinks they're Austrailian.

Me said...

Silvs - is that murray talking about? I don't remember a martin...but yeah, they crack me up!
Mint - lol...I haven't seen that episode but I so enjoy Aziz Ansari. I love that his roles are so undesi like.

Tarantismo said...

Just watched it for the first time the other day. Thought of you and now I totally get why you adore them so !

Me said...

How are you? I should email you. But I am sure you are busy with moving right now :)