Friday, June 12, 2009

So I was reading (now that I can read again) a random book & came across a rather extensive para on Nirvana.
Which made me think of the band.

Back in the 90s, I was such a boy band/techno geek. I loved them all - Take That, Boyzone, Backstreet boys, Boyz II Men - obviously at that point, listening to music didn't have anything to do with music, and everything to do with cute, cuddly boys & their little dance steps in the video.

And then one day, I was flipping through the channels and came across MTV's Unplugged, which the dance-step-loving-boy bander in me had dismissed as the most horrendously dry show imaginable.

Nirvana was on.
And were as grungy as ever. Not cute & cuddly & most definitely, not my kind.

And before I could flip back, he began to sing.
About the Man who sold the World

And it was one of those moments when I got what the transcendental power of music was all about.

I just felt Kurt Cobain understood what I was going through - stressed about new school, new country, having to take the boards, new crushes.
But more than anything stressed about making the right impressions.
And not knowing who I was supposed to be or what I was supposed to do with my life, not having any privacy, and really not knowing who I was - if I was this me or that me & how to marry them all together.

I had to listen to the song again. For, the song still gets me.
Though these days, I prefer the original David Bowie version (so much more buoyant)


Tarantismo said...

Love this song too. Though it reminds me of my smoking-up days and kicks in strong nicotine urges :)

Tarantismo said...

And have you heard the Lulu version? Makes me cringe..

Me said...

no I haven't...:)
I wonder if this song is like an 'all along the watchtower' thing? where everybody tries to cover it...uhmm