Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Ma,

Thank you for walking me to Water Garden so I could hang out with my friends, to the British Council, to the book fairs, & for always giving me space, for ironing my uniform when I was too lazy, for staying up with me during my boards, and for wandering all over Kottayam to look for my wedding favors.
Though all my most visible & vocal idiosyncrasies come from daddy, I know I carry with me an enduring desire to have children because you made it seem like such joy!

I love you.

1 comment:

amna said...

I have never really celebrated Mother's day with mine (I used to say "I don't believe in it" but that sounds funny now!). All these posts on other blogs makes me want to do something.. But then again, I can do it whenever I want to right? I feel the same about having kids, but I am scared I won't be half as good as her!