Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A smile has been lurking around ever since I came back from Minnesota and it's blossomed into full blown cheer!
I think its the effects of A.D's aggressive optimism & the boy's patient good cheer and just the mind's inability to not be down for too long.

My sister is feeling the same effects. She's sitting up. The chemo seems to be effective for now.
She's still quite week but my mom says she's eating better & talking a bit more & reading a bit.

My mind says not to jinx the situation by announcing it & when I try to change my routine, it warns that maybe she'll may become worse if I do.

But I am refusing to indulge in superstition and just enjoy this day of hope as it is.

I am sleeping in today. And then going to the gym in the evening.
I'll be doing some cleaning, some reading and maybe go for a walk later on. And maybe do some more online shopping / mall.

And smiling all day long :)

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