Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Stream of consciousness ? I don't know, I am just in the throes of deep excitement

I have been cleaning since the morning, except when I took time off to blog and eat some lentil soup and some coffee and some small tiny kerala bananas (that I got from the farmer's market here - how cool is that???) - Sorry I have been keeping a food diary and these days & I just tend to write down every THING i put in my mouth.
I am so excited - i vacuumed, got done on my knees and scrubbed the floors
oMG OMG - first exit polls - already???? on CNN - i hate that I do not have MSNBC or FOX News - damn you satellite tV.
anyhoo, have cleaned and cleaned for peeps to come over for election results....I am so emotional, i keep wanting to cry like when I read the NYT ad for CNN this sentence got to me "CNN - BLAH BLAH we are there just before events become history
Oh, did that phrase get to me - there before events become history and uhmm...now it feels just grammatically weird but nevertheless made me feel all "Oh, that's where we stand right now - on the precipice of history"
I almost cried when they interviewed an old man who talked of how in his youth he was afraid of going on a bus to the south and couldn't sit in the front and today, a black man may become president.
I love when I live in the midst of Good history.

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