life goes on...
last weekend
We went go karting.
did miniature golf
and a whole load of laser tag over the weekend.
this weekend,
we go to a friend's dance performance, after which on Saturday OMG we are going to see him speak~!!!!! (he uses Twitter??!!)
and then off to sample Russian fare at newly discovered Moscow nights restaurant.
what am i obssessed with currently?
this song.
yes, that's right - i am the indian chick driving the boy'ssuv with the windows rolled down, and the sunroof open singing along to kid rock!
"we were trying different things
we were smoking funny things'
it reminds me of the hot summers in Missouri when the redhead & I worked lonnng hours and all days at the tv station and I learned the deep love southerners and midwesterners have for Sweet Alabama and the FH sitting me down to tell me of the genius of lynyrd Skynyrd. Did nobody else think lil wayne and Kid Rock singing together at the MTV awards was genius???
it was one of those east is east and west is west and the twain DID meet moments!
'i can kind see where it can go' moment with this
I am ambivalent about it just because i love artemis and the hitchhikers' dearly, but in totally different ways.
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