Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Transfer

The transfer is complete.
I have a new position/job/department
With fabulous pay and fabulous benefits and all sorts of other fabulousness!
The symposium is going great and since, I already know all the people in the team there's no awkward getting to know phase.
The travel stories make me want to just jump on a plane and go off. now.
And the work stories make me want to take out my newly requisitioned shiny laptop and start plugging away. now.
Oh, I can't wait to sign off from my rubbish other job with silly boss of one month.
And the round of office and friends' christmas parties have started, so all Fridays from now on out are booked, booked, booked!


La vida Loca said...

Congrats girl!!
bye bye MO then?

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Time to celebrate :)

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun

amna said...

"Two different places (metaphorically). And I am too grown up to be with somebody who's not."

These are words that wud fit my life so well now. Its creepy how similar we are.

I am scared when I think of the future. Are you?

Attila the Mom said...

Hope everything is going ok...

Sig said...

where are youuuu???