Hear me Roar
I have been thinking of this a LOT
This whole year, most of the things I wanted - I didnot get. Somebody told me that it felt like God was trying to teach me patience but I was struggling against it.
Which was placating at the moment.
But now that I think of it, what is God trying to do - hammer me into place?
Why can't we get the things we want? or work towards?
There's a C.S.Lewis lesson in here somehere.
But yesterday, it felt as if things were finally settling into place.
But they didn't.
My stupid cow of an HR messed up my transfer without having consulted my immigration lawyer.
Dec 4 - HR confirms offer to new position. I accept. I reask questions about my status. HR goes oops.
Dec 5 - HR takes back offer.
The whole point is, she should have checked on the immigration status thing simultaneously or before she was doing my transfer.
And she messed up my offer letter - there are so many things wrong with this situation I am annoyed.
But what really really pissed me off, was her asking me if my fiance was American?
Why, I ask?
Because if he was, she says, then we could have transfered you from job to job with no problem.
EX-CUSE the shit out of me???
Did I hear you say that?
You're HR for frack's sake!
I have fracking relis in every continent who can give me more obvious and personal solutions than that!
It's like she broke every freaking HR rule in the book.
And we are not a tiny, struggling ot exist company.
We are one of those international, global companies with branches in every country in the world. So how the heck can you be so inept as to even think of asking something so offensive?
I am so mad by her ineptitude that I write her up. And make a big stink about it.
And then about the man boy - I started talking to him yesterday after a week's silence.
There is something very heartbreaking about two people in love who are in different places in life (metaphorically)
I am ready and he's not.
And that's the long and short of it.
And I am too grown up to be with somebody who's not.
And I am not doing the nagging thing. anymore.
or the shrew thing.
or anything.
Somethings you control (like writing up HR and putting pressure on her to do her job)
and somethings you can't (like changing boy's attitude)
And with that, I am done. With this year. and so many other things.
The whole crying thing is done.
I need something new to obsess about.
I am moving on.
And HR Cow better get out of my way.
This whole year, most of the things I wanted - I didnot get. Somebody told me that it felt like God was trying to teach me patience but I was struggling against it.
Which was placating at the moment.
But now that I think of it, what is God trying to do - hammer me into place?
Why can't we get the things we want? or work towards?
There's a C.S.Lewis lesson in here somehere.
But yesterday, it felt as if things were finally settling into place.
But they didn't.
My stupid cow of an HR messed up my transfer without having consulted my immigration lawyer.
Dec 4 - HR confirms offer to new position. I accept. I reask questions about my status. HR goes oops.
Dec 5 - HR takes back offer.
The whole point is, she should have checked on the immigration status thing simultaneously or before she was doing my transfer.
And she messed up my offer letter - there are so many things wrong with this situation I am annoyed.
But what really really pissed me off, was her asking me if my fiance was American?
Why, I ask?
Because if he was, she says, then we could have transfered you from job to job with no problem.
EX-CUSE the shit out of me???
Did I hear you say that?
You're HR for frack's sake!
I have fracking relis in every continent who can give me more obvious and personal solutions than that!
It's like she broke every freaking HR rule in the book.
And we are not a tiny, struggling ot exist company.
We are one of those international, global companies with branches in every country in the world. So how the heck can you be so inept as to even think of asking something so offensive?
I am so mad by her ineptitude that I write her up. And make a big stink about it.
And then about the man boy - I started talking to him yesterday after a week's silence.
There is something very heartbreaking about two people in love who are in different places in life (metaphorically)
I am ready and he's not.
And that's the long and short of it.
And I am too grown up to be with somebody who's not.
And I am not doing the nagging thing. anymore.
or the shrew thing.
or anything.
Somethings you control (like writing up HR and putting pressure on her to do her job)
and somethings you can't (like changing boy's attitude)
And with that, I am done. With this year. and so many other things.
The whole crying thing is done.
I need something new to obsess about.
I am moving on.
And HR Cow better get out of my way.