Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why I want to be an English lady of the house

This whole weekend I was kind of a semi-housewife,
I cooked (well kind of, the man cleaned the dishes)
and cleaned (kind of again, for the man did the laundry and ironed - for some reason, T.M loves to iron - it almost looks like he's high when he irons - he has a little water bottle, his iron, his board, his iron sheet, his chair (don't ask) - everything's set up and then he goes into a trance ironing out wrinkles - ooook dude)
and pottered around the house (collecting recipes, looking at wedding websites, discussing wedding invite/decor options with TM, reading in the sunshine, reading by the shade, shopping with TM and so much more -
TM very excited about invite/decor options (not) "it all looks great, babe")

I was thinking about all the things I could do if I were a housewife
I imagine it to be like one of those brit period books I grew up reading, where the lady of the house would awake in the morning, answer her correspondence, write out menu cards, give the orders to the cook (either I should make enough money to be able to hire cook or TM should but until then I suppose I will have to cook, which I really don't mind since I do do do do do loove to cook but only if I am not expected to)
make lunch,
go out for tennis or gym (in my case)
go for a swim,
eat lunch with TM
siesta in the afternoon,
library after
do spot of writing
tea party or such like with friends
take pottery classes
maybe have a part time sort of job (I guess at this point, I am veering off from the brit book lady of the house model)
organize dinner parties
paint the house
go for yard sales
organize weekend trips
concentrate on improving writing
read much much more
watch much much less T.V. (at one point, when we were living together, TM and I canceled our cable because we felt our brains were being pounded into mush - I might try that again but I guess it doesn't help when you work for the broadcast industry if you stop watching T.V)
make sure every friend and loved one gets a birthday card (on date of birthday)
call home more regularly
have family come visit more regularly
show family around
have kids, i suppose

Oh, the things I could do.
I remember years ago, in college of long ago, a friend doing the rant thing with me, when I mentioned how I wished I was doing something easy like literature because chemistry (for goodness sake, what was I thinking) was too hard of a major for me.

"I hate people like you who think that literature is a breeze. You still have to work for it."
I: "Yeah, but if you like your major, it's not really that much of a struggle to work for it"

That's how I feel about staying at home. Maybe I'll change my mind once I am doing it.
But right now, I want to stay at home, be with the man, cook (but only if nobody expects me to), decorate, organize trips, read, write and just potter around a part time job.

Or maybe I am just hankering after a change.

rEally, all i want to be is an English lady of the house, just for a tiny while.

But I think that maybe the only reason I may be tempted to consider working is maybe for other people's sake.
Or maybe by then, I may be content enough to not care about silly questions from silly people.
Or if the boy annoys me too


hillgrandmom said...

I guess being a housewife in the US of A would be as much hardwork as a full time job, especially with children in the picture!

Anonymous said...

The grass always being greener on the other side....and all that

Neha said...

yeah, none of those things happen. you do the dishes, and the clothes, and, and, and ... and thn you get mind fkd, and the mood swings set in, and well let's just say it gets messy.

girlysmack said...

Hahahahahha I had to stop writing my correspondence and eating chocolates to read this hilarious post. Now I'm off for a quick turn around the garden...