Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend


we cooked like fanatics on Thanksgiving and hosted dinner for friends at boy's place.
made tiny little raspberry tarts for desert (which were truly tiny but perfect)
opened new bottle of wine which was dry and right
much food was had by all
and everything went off with many happy thoughts and kisses.

We made big plans to go for Black Friday sales.
For we used to be the super shoppers, the ones who line up at 5 am
but instead, we overslept and never did any shopping and just sat around the house talking and not talking :)

Friday night, the boy and friends decided it would be a good idea to go to Orlando, which we did and saw Beowoulf in IMAX 3d. which was way nice

Stayed night at hotel
went shopping like crazy the next day, where I made discovery that I've dropped two dress sizes.
There's nothing like losing weight to get back in the serious weight loss phase.

went back to Boy's city after.

Saturday & Sunday
Talked to the parents (both the Boy & I) to tell them I won't be making it to India this Christmas because of work.
The parents are leaving for India in two weeks. And the Sammon and the Annmol will be there.
After which the Sammon leaves for Australia.
Hopefully, the family will all be together sometime in the next year.

That's it.
Leaving for hometownamerica now.

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