I had a long conversation with my boss of one month about moving to another department and he was surprisingly nasty about it.
And I frankly didn't care.
The whole trying to guilt me in to staying and calling me disloyal just made me feel extremely vindicated
And it's so juvenile
The whole 'I am disappointed in you' - please mister, growing up with my father has made me impervious to silly guilt trips like above.
I had a long conversation with my boss of one month about moving to another department and he was surprisingly nasty about it.
And I frankly didn't care.
The whole trying to guilt me in to staying and calling me disloyal just made me feel extremely vindicated
- About moving
- About getting out of 2 hours early tomorrow to catch preponed (that's a first) flight
- And about everything else.
And it's so juvenile
The whole 'I am disappointed in you' - please mister, growing up with my father has made me impervious to silly guilt trips like above.
I hate my manager too :(
tell him to sod off! We are made of sterner stuff, and brain dead managers dont bother us!!
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