During my PMS & Period week, I find myself becoming A more Definite, more Snarky ME.
Most of the time, I go around being the nicer People-Needing version of myself.
But during my PMS, that nicer Me is peeled away.
And questions like 'Remember me?' on FB garner a send (blush) 'Obviously if you had to ask that, you were never important enough to be remembered' message.
Where FB statuses like 'How many stupid quizzes can jobless people take?' get a 'Dude - get with the prog. press Ignore stories, instead of belittling others on your status msg.' reply.
Where eyebrows are in permanent raised position at the asinine questions asinine folks asininely ask.
Where emails asking us to come over and teach ethnic cooking to new acquaintances are refused because really, what the hell? We did not advertise for the role of 'token brown acquaintances'. And really, how difficult is to get a library card and check out a book, or google 'Indian cooking'.
It is lovely to realize that this really is my true identity and that the nicer version is my costume to function in this world. I know vestiges of my true identity remain all the time, but that doesn't stop me from wishing the People-Needing Me would either die or I would be more content to need just the peeps who could handle the True Snarky Me.
I get the spectrum of emotions too, PMS not mandatory. So I stopped defining myself w/ qualities. I just say I am who I am. I feel emotions every color of the rainbow. This helps me choose better- ie instead of implosion, I can at least not say anything. You know?
Uhmm...interesting - I think I should go with 'I am who I am' because like you say, I go through the spectrum of emotions, PMS not withstanding too!
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