Friday, October 10, 2008

Mush ahead

the boy & I went for our movie night to see Ghost Town & it was funny as heck and v. charming...
I love NY but nowhere does it look more gorgeous than on film in autumn.
with funny lines set to lovely music.

The whole of yesterday night was charming - there was lovely Cole music tooting out speakers in the theatre and we walked around, looking at posters and boy getting all hyper excited to see Saw V (blech) and i consenting to go see Quarantine with him (smiling through an ugh)

We went for some cupcakes at Cami (and it really does look as pretty as that)
drove around, talked and talked
came home and talked some more.

As we snuggled, I sent mental thanks to up above that I am here, in this place, in this town, in this snuggle with my boy.
many, many times through the misery that was last year, the boy kept saying we would get to this place soon, but I hadn't had enough faith.
in my heart of hearts, i knew that if we were only together, we would be content, and happy and just be enough for each other
but I just couldn't see how it would all come together.
Boy, this is for you - for having faith when mine was waning and for God for carrying us through when 'we' were faltering.

1 comment:

hillgrandmom said...

Really glad for you!