Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why oh Why

do I have this need to get approval from my parents?
Why is it that no matter how old you are, you still want your parents to do the beaming thing ?
Why am I so needy - at this particular moment?
I haven't felt this way in ages - I have lived on my own, in different countries, without feeling this need this strong?
Its weird to feel that you come from people who are so alike & yet so different
And who are such a big part of you and yet have no idea of who you are.
We know know so much of each other yet fail to connect the dotes?

I want more, than anything, for my dad to go - wow - you did this all your own
And sadly he, wanted more than anything, to do all this for me all on his own.


WaitingforSunshine said...


its love dear.. your love for your dad and his for you...

WaitingforSunshine said...

sorry..commenting for the first time..but have been reading your posts since you were in small time america.. :)

Sig said...

exactly right - and at the end of the day you will both realise that it didn't matter at all - that having him there and being part of it was the true happiness.

Anonymous said...

From experience, all I can say is stop thinking about your parents and your relatives and friends. Focus on you. Five years down the line when you look back on the day what will matter most is whether the two of you had a wonderful romantic day or not. I wasted so much energy worrying about whether my parents and his parents were happy, that I missed half my wedding!!