Saturday, August 09, 2008

My parents are here!!!

& oh, I can not tell you the relief I feel having them here.
We were late picking them up (oi!) but the boy & they hugged & my dad and mom traded funny stories back and forth with him.
They loved the mini gifts the boy bought for them - esp. my mom, for it was so apt for her.
And they had tons of goodies for the boy, including his v.first mundu
I could not have imagined a better meeting.
Thankyou, sweet God.

After they got our their jet lag, they went about examining the house and made a list of things that needed to be bought!
Went to the nearest store and bought a heck of a load of stuff to organize everything everywhere.
I just felt so provided for.
I was so dreading the shopping after our clothes fiasco in Kerala, but its like my mom & dad are just so much more relaxed and in their element outside of Kerala.
It's like Kerala just spells insurmontable troubles for them - getting the place, the traffic jam, getting the driver, getting the relis, blech and blah!
But outside, they are just so much more relaxed and in control!
So it was just brilliant...
My house is starting to resembling home and I am just so happy.
The boy came over for dinner and I don't what it was - but the food I cooked was rubbish.
It was like the culinary part of me just completely betrayed me.
But never minds, I didn't care - I was just happy :)
the rest of the relis and friends arrive this week and I can not wait .
I can not!
Only thing left to do is make the cupcakes :)
and oh, get married
(grin grin grinning away)

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