Thursday, May 29, 2008


There are so many tiny, big, not so big posts that I want to write. About how shocked I am that my parents are getting older, and that kiddie cousins are now in college and other not so kiddie cousins are earning their keep and have families and all that.
Intellectually, i knew they were older but to actually see the toddler I carried around and played with getting ready to do her boards and I don't understand why my mind completely erased the last time I came to India (which was just two or three years ago). But it's like suddenly everybody I knew went through a weird growth spurt.
Also, I have had contact with so many tiny, awesome, smart, beautiful little kids that my uterus is crying out for some of my own.
My work out and diet - sigh - I have come to the point where I need to concentrate on problem areas and I am trying to work out but consistency is failing me here. For one day, I will do good and the next, will go visiting to an aunt's place where I stuff myself with fruit cakes and kappa and meen curry. yum. and fish molly. yum yum.
so...I am only glad that I still have - yikes - 2 more months to, perhaps, tone...
And now it's nearly the end of my vacation!


Sayre said...

Perhaps getting back to your own life and your own routine will kick start the loss and toning you still feel like you need to do.

I have experienced that weird time warp. WHen I went to Wales last, I visited the farm and asked to see the new kitchen. You see, the last time I'd been there, we were collecting rocks from the field to build it. My great aunt looked at me funny and said, "the new kitchen is 25 years old!"


Niiyara said...

ur "uterus" lol. anddd its ok bout the diet and work out - ur on holliday! it'l be fine when u get bacck home! are u home now....?

Anonymous said...

A suggestion - Join a dance class, if you can. you will be surprised at the results! :)
And to make it more fun, ask the boy to join with you..