Monday, April 28, 2008

This week is completely taken over by work
Next week by last minute shopping
and then on the 8th I leave, for the longest vacation ever - a month - a whole glorious month!!!!
I don't think I have spent that much time at home since I left it.
The relis are coming from all over the world for some church festival and are (thank the good lord) excited to see pics, videos & have conversations about & with the Boy.
And then we shop!!!
In other news,
the Boy & I went apartment/condo/townhouse hunting over the weekend and they had some lovely property by the water, some high ceilinged one, and others which convinced me I need to go back to full time work in June to pay for above mentioned water front/high celinged properties.
in my heart of hearts, I don't want to.
I like the somewhat part time, remote thing I am doing right now because it gives me so much more time to do random things with my time.
But I know I must ! sigh.
On the plus side - working full time opens up possibility of expanding social contacts - hoorah!
I wonder if I am just lazy or just don't like being tied to work.
Yesterday morning, I had such a remarkably vivid dream of holding the world's smallest baby in my hands with boy hovering around.
Clearly I had given birth to it and telling boy how its head was so soft and everything about it so alive and warm.
It was vivid. I tell you. vivid. I even remember the feel of the skin and I woke up with such an achy feeling of love. the boy and I lay in bed talking about my dream and smiling - how funny to think we both share this desire of another as yet unborn / un thought of and as of now just a concept person.
geez - talk about ticking clocks.


hillgrandmom said...

Me, wish you would give me a call when you are here. Suni will be in town too in May. Have yourself a great holiday.
Your dream is so sweet!

Sig said...

omg - funnily enough , ever swicne i got married i have been feeling broody - and randomly say to Evs - "I want a baby" even though realistically it ain't happening for a few years yet...but I am SO much more aware of this goddamn clock.

Sayre said...

Wow - your dream is much better than the one I had about Julie
Andrews the other night...

Working. I guess it depends on what you want/need from it!

Come by my blog and see my darling baby's pictures. That might set you off AGAIN!