Friday, April 25, 2008

Contemplating on;

  • to hyphenate or not the name
  • vacation wardrobe
  • what to get for lovely family friends who are putting me up in b'bay
  • where to leave secret notes and stuff for boy, who asked if he should go to masseuse school, after reading this ;)
  • where to schedule extra workout to burn off the zillion calories that yesterday's delicious fries and coke equaled - oh the perfect combination of grease & sugar ... i was soooo bad & will gladly work out an extra hour for the grease coursing my veins
  • getting new wardrobe
  • how to tell cuz, who claims she's not losing weight after being on diet and working out for three months, that perhaps she needs to move more and whine less (which is so bitchy but really, after months of sweating like a pig and denying myself all sorts of greasy, cheesy, chocolaty goodness, it s hard to take 'oh you are just lucky!')
  • why none of my fav bloggers are updating more regularly

1 comment:

Sayre said...

Your favorite bloggers may have spring fever... it's hard to sit down and just write or do anything else without falling asleep! I know that is the case for me...