Saturday, December 01, 2007

Time for a happy post

  • My new job is going to start soon. I am in the transition period where I am finishing off projects for silly-guilt trip playing- inexperienced-manboss. All of next week, I am attending a mini-annual symposium for new job where the whole department gathers in one location and just have a blast learning. It sort of feels like I am on a diving board about to jump into exciting and unknown waters.

  • I have tentatively opened up wedding books, and taken out my organizer.

Because it's such a DIY wedding, and because I am such an anal organizer, I couldn't wait anymore. The date will come, but some of the stuff on sale won't.

So, here are a few of the things I am dying to get for the wedding:

  • A cake stand

I know completely random, and kind of irrelevant when there are so many other things I should be focusing on. But my cake will look so pruttty on it. So I am trolling places and websites looking for it.

  • pomanders and learning to make them:

I want to make pomanders like below - with red flowers - i don't care what kind but lovely red or wine or burgundy flowers. I thought first I'd like this for my wedding bouquet because it's so different and then somebody I know did it for their wedding and now the charm of it is kind of gone.
So I am thinking I might use it like below pic only a bit differently.

this video makes the whole making it seem ridiculously simple:

VideoJug: How To Make A Ball Of Flowers With An Oasis

  • The vase with berry sprigs

I love the pic.
I just love the colours, more so because I have the same exact Pier1 vase and its colour is so deep and earthy and rich to me.
I haven't decided yet if I want to make this a centerpiece or put it on the gift table or just have it so I can look at it.
But there's a plan for it. Oh, there is.

1 comment:

La vida Loca said...

your blog reminds me of my own life for the last year ish. The agony, the anguish, the happiness etc. Boy do I get what u are saying! I am putting u on my blogroll :)
And I wish you well.