Monday, December 08, 2008

I was talking to a friend who's going through a divorce and the thing is, you never know right, what's going to push a couple to divorce.
They were one of those perfect couple, not one of those simpering I love you ones but reasonable, mature adults.
The ones who had funny jokes to say & funny dances to dance and loving care to give to each other. My friend is heartbroken because he didn't see it coming, and is terrified about his child.

The thing nobody tells you about marriage is that sometimes it can be so shatteringly lonely.
You love each other and there's real intimacy and all that but there are these rare (but extremely real) moments when you think - wow.wait.I am married to a really great person and I am still lonely???or bored???
Whatever the cause, I have been going through these moments, esp. last night when I couldn't find the boy because he was in the other room working. And all I needed to do was to wait and he would be there with me. But I just couldn't wait. I just wanted him there right at that minute. I couldn't get myself to wait.
I went for a drive to clear my head, and came back and he was all confused as to what I was doing.
I had got some bad news from my mom about my sis. she's not keeping as well as was expected.
Her stomach illness is not abating and she's in pain.
And yadaayadayada, I needed the boy and he was not there for yadadayadada reasons.
The boy is missing his family and his papers have still not come in. But I wish he would lash out and not contain himself.
But, like he says, what's the point of that?
What's the point of lashing out against something that can not be changed?
You just have to wait patiently and do all that you can to alleviate situations.
His mom and bro are applying for their visitor's visa but that opens up another can of worms.
I expected marriage to be hard and to work at it.
But after 7 years of being together and struggling and all that, I think I expected some sort of minor reprieve.
I feel as if I need a vacation from my life.
I was watching Titan a.e , which was one of those movies my sibs and I enjoyed way back then, and was thinking I want to see the end of the road too. Because after all that exile and terribleness of life in outer space, the Titan A.E did make a new planet (even though it was called BOB???), one that was fresh and nice and pretty.
I want to know that years from now, we are all going to be happy.
That my sister will be cancer free and be joyously happy.
Ditto for my brother - healthy & happy
Ditto for my parents, and the boy's remaining parent and his sibs
And that the boy and I and all of the happy above will live happily, somewhere nice, reasonably close to each other.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

hugs* and more *hugs* me! Life never does go the way we planned does it? IT goes along it's own winding road. May the winding road open vistas of beauty to you along the way, that will make the bad stretches of the road more bearable